bad tire

Are the tires on your diesel truck any good? At Martin's Garage in Shippensburg, PA, we want you to be able to spot the difference between a good tire and one that needs to be replaced. Here’s a quick guide on what to watch out for.

Oil being poured into a vehicle

Everyone from mechanics, to your uncle that works on cars, has at some point given you advice concerning engine oil. The fact of the matter is that while we are familiar with words like “synthetic” and “oil weight,” many people don’t know exactly what the terminology means, or why common knowledge about oil exists in the form that it does. At Martin's Garage in Shippensburg, PA, we keep things clear and simple. The more you know about your vehicle, the better equipped you are to keep it maintained, and we know a thing or two about vehicles. We have compiled a short list of common myths for you, most of which you’ve heard, but maybe never second guessed.

brake pads

Sometimes, it’s obvious when you need new brakes and sometimes it isn’t. Knowing what to look for and what causes issues will help keep you safe and remind you of when you should get your brakes checked out. Here are some symptoms of bad brakes, and what causes the issue from Martin's Garage in Shippensburg, PA.


Automatic transmissions aren’t well understood outside of specialists like our technicians here at Martin's Garage in Shippensburg, PA. While it would be impossible to teach you enough to make you a transmission expert in a quick article, what we can do is give you the fundamental knowledge you need to have a good idea of what your transmission is doing and how it works. Being able to understand how your transmission works will help you identify any problems that may arise to prevent further wear and tear on your vehicle. 


If you own a rear-wheel-drive car, truck, or SUV then your vehicle is equipped with a differential. Like any other component on your car, maintaining your differential is an important aspect of keeping your vehicle reliably on the road. From Martin's Garage in Shippensburg, PA, here’s what you need to know.

fuel tank on dash board lit up on E

Obviously, the dirtier your fuel system is, the bigger the improvement you will see in performance and fuel economy after a fuel system cleaning. But it is important not to wait until your system is running poorly. If you do, by the time you get a cleaning, you’ve wasted hundreds of dollars in gas or even possibly damaged your fuel injectors and catalytic converter.

hands putting on tire in shop with a power tool

Ever looked at the bottom of your shoes and noticed that one area of the sole is more worn than another? The way you walk causes a wear pattern to occur as you put more weight on certain areas of your feet. If your shoe needed work, you would take it to a cobbler.

turbocharger on car

Every year, more and more trucks come equipped with turbochargers. What was once a novelty or a performance option has become increasingly common as stock equipment. What are they for, and how do they work? Martin's Garage in Shippensburg, PA is here to help.

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  • Diamond Eye Performance Exhaust
  • Donlen Fleet
  • Duramax Diesel
  • Fleet Services
  • Ford Power Stroke Diesel
  • Handicap Accessible
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  • NAPA AutoCare Center
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  • 36 Month Warranty
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